Documentation, Friend or Foe?
We were given questions this week regarding contributed
assets and lessons learned from our “no one gets hurt” project. As I had already
answered these in my previous post, I’ve decided to use this time to talk about
what I learnt from a combined post-mortem discussion with all of the groups in
my studio unit. What I noticed was the general dislike toward documentation, particularly
as our task was to produce a prototype and not a final product. A majority of peers
would have preferred to spend the time jumping right
in with development straight off the bat.
I’ll admit that in the beginning I took a similar view. However I have since found respect for the documentation
process, having realised its importance first hand as a method of
reference and organisation for both the project and team members. I
believe that had more time been spent populating our documentation with more
detailed and accurate information, our prototype would have taken far less time
to produce and have been developed in a far more elegant fashion. This also helps prevent us programmers from having to write sloppy prototype code, two birds
with one stone.
The trade-off that is spending more time producing documentation
and less time on the project may not seem as beneficial at first, in a best
case scenario the total duration may equal out to be quite similar. The advantage
however is that if major problems arise later on that should have been solved
had the proper documentation been produced, the potential risk of the project being heavily delayed is dramatically reduced. As most issues are accounted for early
on, the overall quality of the project is also increased and further reduces the risk for
potential setbacks due to poor architectural decisions.
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